God Is Community, July 10, 2018 Daily Reflection

God’s beauty

To fall into the grace of God’s merciful love
To be embraced by the strong olive colored arms of Jesus Christ
To be swept up, comforted, caressed, and enlivened by the Holy Spirit
Is to be in community with the the Holy Trinity.

We were not created to be alone. We were created in the image and likeness of God our creator. We believe in a triune God who lives, thrives, and loves in the community of God the Creator, Jesus Christ the redeemer, and the love and that flows through and among both is the Holy Spirit. We too, should live, love, and thrive in community. To do this we must open our hearts, souls, minds, and lives to the divinity that resides within, feel that love, and allow it to move through us to the world around us, starting with that little world of our family, friends, and coworkers. Work to make those relationships thrive in love and kindness. Continue to strengthen that community and one by one move into more communities bringing the energy, mercy, compassion, and love to others. This is living in the image of God.

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