As a mom, May 6 Daily Reflection

Mother Mary

Beautiful, yet blurred is this picture of the mother Mary. Her porcelain hands are open with a rose bloom inside them. Her face is flawless and expression calm and at peace; Mary the mother of Jesus Christ.

My reflection in a mirror as a mom looks nothing like that. I look tired and many times frustrated, my face has blemishes and my hair almost always looks awry. I am the mother of my children and I am proud to be that mother. However, I am not full of Grace but I know there are traces of grace within me. My hands are not opened with a flower sitting there. They are often times closed and praying for guidance.

We moms are human, flawed, blemished and frustrated at times. We still love our children with all of our hearts.  Our picture is blurred a bit in our reflection, not truly sure of whom we are anymore. Before children we could define ourselves by our career or education. Now we flounder a bit wondering. Am I  doing the right thing, am I teaching those values, and am I yelling too much, am I spending enough “quality” time with each one of them and finally the big question “Have I screwed my child up”?

We are human, yet a bit of the divine dwells within each of us. We need to be aware that we are moms for a reason and it does help to define us but who is ever truly defined completely? Each child is a gift from God and in your heart you know what they need from you. Slow down, reflect on how much you love your children and show them through your actions, your hugs, attention, listening, teaching and just being together with them.

It is seldom in our culture that anyone will look into the mirror and find such beauty, openness, perfection and peace. We as moms must do the best we can by loving the best we can and although we can’t see that beauty our children can, will and already do.


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