It’s here BLACK FRIDAY! You may already be out shopping like a mad woman ready to hang on for dear life when you lay your hands on the “most popular toy of the year”! Or maybe you are about to leave to face the crowds because you don’t have lots of money to spend on Christmas gifts and you need those discounts. Or possibly you just love the thrill of the chase and witnessing the mayhem among strangers all fighting for a common purpose.
Black Friday, the onset of the Christmas shopping frenzy; there are no rules, the gloves are off and it becomes a free for all! If you are going to be a part of the insanity I implore you to be an angel this day. Do not give away the “toy” you have held onto for the last 5 hours but be kind to those around you. Preach the gospel with your actions by smiling, being kind and not cruel. Please do not hit anyone with your body; your fists, your feet, your eyes or your lips with hateful words. Today, try to make black Friday a little less dark and angry and a little more joyful and angelic. Consider the season we are entering is centered on the Birth of Jesus Christ who came to bring salvation, peace and goodwill to humankind.