Butterflies, November 4 Daily Reflection

Look closely

Look closely

Can you find the butterflies in this picture?  Look really closely can you see them?  There is an orange butterfly sitting on a purple flower on the left and another orange butterfly towards the bottom right hand corner. You almost missed them and maybe you still cannot see them.  If I had not pointed them out you would never have noticed they were there at all.

How many flower bushes do we walk past daily and the thought of looking for the butterflies does not occur to us? 

How many “butterflies”- people in your life that are very comfortable blending into the background- do you personally know?  Little creations of beauty that God has graced our lives with?  Delicate, gentle and rare people in our lives, they do no harm but only give quiet love.  With wings like angels that are carried on the slightest breeze of life?  Precious and transparent, giving off only pure and radiant goodness?

They are all about us.  One has only to look.  They tend to blend in with the scenery and are missed all together all too often. 

 Who in your life is beautiful because you can see straight through to their soul?

Who in your life demands no attention, no fanfare, and is honestly modest?

Who in your life, past or present brings you calmness and a quiet peace by their mere presence?

Who in your life turns their life over to be taken by the breeze to where ever it takes them with no resistance?

Who are the butterflies in your life?

They don’t want to be noticed. 

They need only to be.

Thank God that He has blessed our lives with such rare, delicate, transparent, beautiful “butterflies” to love and guide us on our journey. 


  1. Marcia
  2. Theresa Marks

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