Dear God, November 5, 2012 Daily Reflection

A letter to God

Dear God,

Without you I am partial, lost, blind and fumbling through my own life

With you I am whole, found, sighted and steady on my feet

I never want to be without you. I honestly don’t know how people live their lives without you as an anchor, friend, guide and God. I thank you for all of my blessings from the air I breathe to my children’s health…from my determined personality to the husband who loves me.

God, you are so good to me all I want to do is your will in my life. I want to serve you by serving others. I want to honor you by bringing others closer to you. I want to worship and love you all the days of my life. I want to one day meet you face to face and be in your presence for eternity. For those who don’t know you I want to show them you and all that you provide, your love, guidance and fulfillment.

God, guide me all the days of my life to serve the purpose I was created to serve. I am yours and I want to do your will. I screw up daily, I sin and I fail but I believe if I ask you will forgive me and that you will continue to love me without condition. I sincerely love you God and thank you for my life and the lives of my loved ones. Please continue to help me to write your words, do your will and inspire others in their faith.

Love ya,


This is a letter to God. I am sharing it with you because I think you can relate to it. If you wrote a letter to God what would it say?

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