Long distance runners understand the meaning of the word endurance. It is defined as the fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way. People in a truly commited relationship like marriage, and family relationships understand this concept as well.
Not many people think about endurance when it comes to their faith. But if you really think about it endurance is needed. If we believe in God then no matter what tragedies occur, the persecution we experience, or the lonlieness we may feel, we still believe. It’s easy to witness the commitment of a preacher, priest, or religious give their entire lives to God. It is difficult to think that each of us should commit our lives to God as well. We think that believing is enough. However, the action of living out our faith is the proof that we are commited. Attending church weekly, praying daily, serving others, helping those in need, giving respect, and dignity to everyone is living out that faith. Just because we are “lay” people and not “religious” doesn’t mean we should avoid vowing our lives to God as well. Jesus Christ gave us the Holy Spirit knowing that we would need God’s presence to handle the persecution and give us the endurance to never give up on our lifetime commitment to God.
Endurance to a long distance runner is learned through the conditioning of their bodies. Endurance to a person of faith is learned through experience, given through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and conditioned within our souls by our love of God and the depth of our faith.
Isn’t it interesting that married couples celebrate the SACRAMENT of Marriage….priests celebrte the SACRAMENT of Holy Orders, but religious Sisters and Brothers are laity and do not celebrate their vowed commitment with a sacrament….