Expectations of Florida, November 23, 2011 Daily Reflection

My kids having fun on the beach

Have you ever noticed that when you want something really badly and you wait in anticipation for it you tend to build up in your mind? That thing, place or time has become a moment or place of perfection when you desire it for so long. Well, we went to Florida for the first time in 8 years, just my immediate family, in October. It was the first time my youngest children had ever been to the ocean and it was the first time my daughter could remember. We counted down the days until Florida for 60 days. Although the drive there was unpleasant because I had a virus the vacation was everything I had built it up to be. All of those thoughts of relaxing on the beach with my toes dug deep into the fluffy white sand, watching my children enjoy one of God’s most awesome wonders came true.

Normally high expectations are ruined by reality. However, my expectations were of a week together with my family with no interruptions, no school, work or normal life; just relaxing, fun and togetherness. God blessed our family with 5 days of glorious sunshine, excellent waves, time to just be family and enjoy one another. It was the best vacation of my life. When I get stressed out I just look at the pictures and remember the breeze from the ocean, the feel of the sand and the laughter of my children playing in the ocean waves. God is so good!

Expectations can be tricky though. I think the best thing to do is always be ready to adapt to the situation at hand. I pictured a smooth drive in the van with 4 kids for 9 hours instead I was throwing up and praying that we would just get there after 10.5 hours in the car. However, once we got there I felt better and just relaxed. The reason the trip met my expectations is because what I wanted so badly was just to be together no matter what we were doing and that was within my control. Next time you place expectations upon something consider the reality and that you may have to adapt them to the situation at hand. Let yourself embrace whatever comes and live in the moment and you will find joy in life.

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