Happy Birthday JAKE! February 23 Daily Reflection

My Favorite Picture of Jake

Is it even possible that 6 years ago I was pushing you out into this world? I had no drugs, totally natural, my female doctor and a goal in mind not to scream. For those of you who know me well, you know I am very  goal oriented, giving birth was no exception. I remember vividly my doctor saying “Lori, this one will be the last push.”

“I can do this God, I know I can.” I uttered. My doctor encouragingly replied “We know you can.” I retorted “I was talking to God.”

Then I did it I pushed that final push and I can still remember the feel of his shoulders turning within my body as his slid his way out into this world. My little Jake Patrick. I did not scream or yell. I finally did it! And now it is 6 years later and I can’t seem to get him to stay little. He is independent yet loves my hugs. He is cautious but tries to be a big boy. He is in kindergarten now. Every first for him is a last for me. He is my baby boy and age, time or height will not change that fact.

Happy Birthdy Jake Patrick! Thank you God for bringing Jake into my life and the lives of all the people his precious smile may touch this day and every day for the rest of his life.

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