Helping One Another, March 24 Daily Reflection

Jake & Spencer helping one another

Helping one another, stewardship, giving of your time, talent and treasure to one another, how we live, what we breathe, what we are commissioned to do as people of God.

So how do we do it? Do we drop our jobs that provide for our family and become a scientist to search out the cure for cancer? Or do we show our children kindness through our voices and actions? Do we take a few minutes every day to tell them how much we care and just sit and be with them?

Do we take all our money and give it to the poor? Or do we take 10% of every check and find a charitable cause that needs it more than we WANT it? Do we give what we can with our cash? Or do we just store it away just for us?

Do we show our children through our actions of selfless love how to love their siblings? Or do we choose to act selfishly and just expect them to be nicer than we are?

Have we truly looked within and reflected on the gifts God has given us in our lives? Have we used those gifts for the good of others? Or are they under a bushel basket? God has generously given us life, talents, treasures, blessings and a soul. What have we given to others as generously as God has given to us?

There are so many options to help one another but so little time on this earth. How will you use it? How will you abuse it?

Today, give as God has given to you…generously…openly and lovingly…give a little piece of you to others this day.

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