Holy Saturday – We wait… April 23 Saturday Tidbit


The earth  did shake, the curtain lay torn upon the temple floor, and the body placed inside a cold tomb,  a bolder rolled in front of it; the day that Jesus died.

We wait, they wait, the disciples, his loved ones, his mother, his friends, his believers; they wait in terror what agony might they have to endure now, the love of this one kind, miracle worker, he is dead. They saw him die on that cross in Calvary. All they worked so hard for and he is dead; Disbelief, panic, silence, doubt and waiting.

We wait too but unlike those locked in that room and hiding we know what beauty awaits us tomorrow but today we mourn him in the silence, we mourn his pain and feel the weight of our sins that hammered the nails into his hands. We wait in sadness, darkness and mourning…we wait…

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