Image of God, October 11 Sunday Tidbit

Spencer's picture of the multi colored sun

Spencer's picture of the multi colored sun

How do you picture God?  Is God bright yellow and the center of your universe like the sun giving us what we need to live?  Is God large overbearing, powerful and scary?  Is God both and so you are confused by how to perceive Him? 

It is very easy to get caught up in many different images of God especially due to your upbringing and past experience.  My image of God is of a kind, loving, gentle, forgiving, all powerful, encouraging, generous being.  Although I have read scriptures of people fearing the hand of the Lord it is not the image I have of God.  If you are stuck with a frightening image try instead to imagine God as a loving parent figure who would lay down his life for  you, forgive you, nurture you and love you unconditionally forever.  For that is who God truly is, He gave the life of His Son Christ for us, He created and nurtures us, He forgives us, if only we ask.  He loves YOU regardless of your acceptance of His love. 

Today take a moment to conjure up your image of God.  Know that He is near you and loves you just as you are right this very moment as you read this.

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