Ryan’s Birthday: July 16, Daily Reflection

Jeremiah 2:5

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you

Anna's picture for Ryan

Anna's Birthday card for Ryan (She is my 8 year old daughter)

I have to dedicate this reflection to my brand spanking new nephew Ryan.  He was born yesterday afternoon.  We are all so excited he is here!  Our family has prayed for this baby for years now.  Since the pregnancy we have prayed for 9 months and now he is here and he is healthy and he is beautiful with all ten fingers and ten little toes.  My children are so happy and his now big sister who is 3 is elated to have her baby brother Ryan.

Remember when you found out you were pregnant and how long that pregnancy took and all the ups and downs.  Then the waiting and anticipation for that little creation to reveal itself to you.  You had known that baby for nine months but you didn’t know that baby at all when he/she was born.  Then at birth you started a new relationship together that would last a lifetime.  How precious, scary and overwhelming those first days are in the hospital with that new baby.  Do you remember?  If you still remember it well I encourage you to write a little birth story of each child, nothing formal just something so that when you are older and your memories fade you can read that story.  I have kept a daily journal for 20 years now so I wrote the stories on the day each child was born and I love to read it on his/her birthday.  Remember that day and now look at where he/she is today how your relationship has grown from a little being you helped to create to a person you have helped to form. 


May God’s light always shine upon your face, may you feel it even when your eyes are closed to His goodness.  May your ears hear His words in your mother’s voice.   May your hands do His work to bring about love in this world.  May your life make the difference God intended it to make when He created you before you were formed in your mother’s womb.  May you always feel God’s presence within the very core of who you are. 

We love you.

Happy Birthday!


 Lori & Aaron & Ethan & Anna & Spencer & Jake

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  1. Gina

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