It’s a journey of a lifetime. It starts with the moment when we realize we are not an extension of our caretaker but our own person. Each person obtains this knowledge in different ways through self-reflection, education, prayer, and a desire to understand the underpinnings of our lives. The search for our “true” self we sometimes believe will reveal itself on a summit at the top of some mountain glowing in the sun beams. However, the “true” self will never be captured in this way. Our “true” self changes, matures, grows, and shifts with our experiences of people, life, love, and intimacy. The core and essence of our soul is given to us by God and is at the depth of our person but even that part will evolve with life. We search from consciousness until death if we look at all. As St. Augustine says best, “Our souls are restless dear God until they rest in you.” But search we must…
Where are you on the journey?