Mailboxes in a row, August 17 Daily Reflection

Mailboxes in a row

On a country road side they stand some old and rusty others new and freshly painted all of the mailboxes all in a row. They stand waiting to receive something from somewhere else, from someone else. They wait in anticipation of that mailman opening their little door and putting a message inside.

Is that how we live our faith life? Waiting in a fine row among so many others connected to those who are rusty and old as well as those brand new and freshly painted? Do we find ourselves in a constant state of anticipation? Are we waiting for God to open our little door and fill us up with something from somewhere else?

We, the human race are made up of all types young and old, knowledgeable and ignorant, newly found faith and those with a foundation that cannot be shaken.  When we attend Church are we sitting there in the pew waiting to be filled up by the minister or are we actively seeking out God’s message? Do we just take that time out once a week or just at Christmas and Easter to gather in the company of other believers or do we live our faith out daily? Do we pray and read our holy book searching for the message God wants us to hear? Do we find paths that will pull us closer to God like retreats or service we can provide for others? Are we standing stagnant in our faith life, unmoving or are we actively pursuing our faith?

God wants us to be open like the mailbox to His message and His guidance so that He can fill us up. However, He also wants us to pursue Him. He wants us to try to become closer to Him by learning more about loving each other and living more fully the life He breathed into our very souls. He did not intend for us to stand still but to be active, to learn to love and help one another, to live life to the fullest, to pursue a relationship with Him and through that to learn to love completely unconditionally all of those He created.

Don’t just stand on the road side waiting to be filled up but walk openly through life in pursuit of God and all His Goodness!

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