My Godson Trevor, November 22 Sunday Tidbit

My Godson Trevor

My Godson Trevor

My Godson Trevor just made his First Holy Communion last night.  Some people think it is a coming of age, a rite of passage in the Catholic Church.  I believe that it is more than any of those traditional or cultural things, but it is a way to become even closer to Christ.  To actually open yourself up and accept Christ completely to say Amen which means I believe.  I am so proud that Trevor decided that he BELIEVES and wants to grow even closer to Christ.  Trevor is a precious child of God with innocence, love and wonder.  My prayer for him as his God mother is to continue to encourage and help him to always find the love and friendship of God and support his faith.

Do you believe; in God, in Christ do you have faith without seeing?  What draws you closer to Christ, to God to believing with all that you are?  Who in your life guides you spiritually and encourages your relationship with God?  My prayer for each of you reading this today is that YOU may find the love and friendship of God and I can help to support YOUR FAITH.

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