Where Am I From?, April 30, 2018 Daily Reflection

My soul was given to me in my body at my creation. The creator knew before my existence of my existence. At the Big Bang the elements for my existence came forth into being. My being, both body and soul found life in my mother’s womb. United, they are one in the spirit of the creator.

My soul takes joy and goodness in so much beyond this world. Joy in the beauty of a sunset, the footfalls of my long walks, the sound of birds chirping in the morning, the laughter of my children, a hug from my husband and the sound of the word, mom. All allow my soul to catch a glimpse of home. My home is being reunited with my creator. In love I feel my home, in love, I recognize where I am from.
But I am not yet meant to return in my entirety until I have completed this journey filled with experiences of pain, joy, growth, and unknowing. The journey is long, and short, up and down, unexpected, and anticipated. Yet, I know I will feel only a sense of complete love falling into peace and merging into my creator for all of eternity.

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