During the month of November I have noticed several friends on Face Book taking a 30 day challenge. From what I can gather the challenge is to name something each day for which you are thankful. I think it is a great way to celebrate the month of thanksgiving.
It is so easy to say thank you to God when our lives are going well and the way we want them to go. It is much more difficult to thank God in those times of trial and difficulty. God promised us salvation through Jesus Christ but He never promised us that our lives would be lived with ease and comfort. Take for instance the holy men and women we study many have had to face death, disease, torture and poverty even though they professed their love of God. However, God has blessed us all with an open relationship with Him. No matter what we face or fear God is with us. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. God’s goodness and kindness reigns in our friendships and support systems here on earth as well. God gives us friends and loved ones who will be there for us and lift us up when we fall.
It is admirable to thank God for an entire month but truly we should thank Him daily for our lives and all of His great blessings. But when things are rough and life is scary we should not forget that He is still with us. God sits in that seat right next to us. Whether we thank Him or not He will never abandon us. We should thank Him when we are happy. We should thank Him when we are confused. We should thank Him daily for guiding us and loving us.
This November take the time to make a habit out of thanking God daily for your relationship with Him. Let this November thanksgiving help you to deepen your relationship with God.