Playground, April 24 Saturday Tidbit

My kids on a great playground

I know its Saturday time to run errands, go to soccer games, softball games, field hockey games, birthday parties, and the grocery, clean the house, and cut the grass etc… This Saturday can you squeeze in 1 full hour somewhere in the day to surprise your children and take them to a playground; an outside playground with swings and slides? Then when you get there play on the playground with them! You will be amazed at the amount of fun you will have. We had our children to be a part of our family not just to go to games, do homework, discipline and do chores with but to be a family together and have fun together. Do it for your children and do it for your family. It is so worth the hour to be a family laughing, playing tag, hide and seek and pushing your little ones on the swings. I guarantee you will not regret the time you spend playing with your children on the playground!!


  1. Bernadette Hagan

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