Prayers Always Help, March 30, 2017 Daily Reflection

Often times in life we witness tragedy and overwhelming circumstances that others face. We don’t know what to do, especially when the odds seem insurmountable. One thing we can all do is to pray. It seems so trivial in the face of such obstacles, only if we don’t realize it’s importance. Prayer is communication with God. God is the creator of you, me, and the entire universe. It is no small task to communicate with our creator and to ask for support, compassion, and love for those in pain and anguish in our world. Prayer is not only helpful but extremely important. As we join in prayer it lifts those up who are suffering to God. God who can heal wounds and hurts in ways we cannot imagine. Prayer is not simply the last resort, it should be the first action we perform.

Please pray for the fallen officer, Nick Rodman, a graduate of Holy Cross Class of 2005. His family and children need our prayers and support. Take a moment to hold them in your prayers right now.


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