It’s right there can you see it just beyond the horizon; the endless sky, the light bringing day to the darkness of the night. The possibilities open and stretching beyond our belief. He has granted us another day, another moment to catch a ray of the sun, another day to inhale life and exhale the worry. This morning more than one has passed on from this life to the next yet you have been granted the gift of another day. To think that God blessed you with this sunrise, with the morning mist, with nature’s beauty to entice and invite your hopes and dreams for the future to this moment is surreal. But that is just what He did.
So take a deep breath because you made it to another sunrise, another day, another possibility for you to grant others the gift of your love and life for as long as God graces you with breath. Rejoice for this is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.