Review of Small Mercies, June 5, 2012 Daily Reflection

Small Mercies, Glimpses of God in Everyday Life

Recently I received an incredible gift from an editor at Loyola Press. He sent me a box filled with books he thought I might enjoy. There were so many different types of books from devout religious books to everyday stories of God in life. He sent them so I could gain a better understanding for the types of books that Loyola Press publishes. I tore into the box and immediately began reading the books.

The first book I read was the one in the picture “Small Mercies – Glimpses of God in Everyday Life” by Nancy Jo Sullivan. She also writes for just like I do! I was swept away by her stories. My daughter, who is eleven, read a few of them as well.  Anna and I were both so moved by the emotion and the sincerity of her experiences. Her revelations and reflections brought cold chills to my arms in the Divine Touch (the first story in the book). I could not stop the tears while reading The Twitch of Hope. She brought me into her world and out of my own through her storytelling. She is older than I am with grown daughters and was able to reveal to me some of the growing pains and joys of life. Her writing style is so smooth, comfortable and inviting for readers of all ages. Her stories are engaging and endearing. But the reason I could not stop reading it was because she is telling stories of God in everyday life. I relate so closely to her writing because that is what I am doing on this blog daily. I am just telling each of you ideas, thoughts, reflections and stories of my own simple life so that each of you may see God more clearly in your own lives.

I truly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to others especially mothers and daughters. You can read more of her work at as well. I hope that others will have the courage to live their lives as she does seeking God in everyday life.

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