Spencer was sitting on the opposite shore fishing. He was so patient just sitting, waiting and watching the water for a ripple; any sign of a fish. He was content to sit alone, wondering if a fish would nibble. It didn’t happen that day. He did not catch a fish. But he still likes to fish and holds out hope that one day he will have a tug on his line.
We should be as patient and aware as Spencer waiting on that shore. We should be waiting patiently, listening quietly and watching for any sign from God on how to live our lives. So often in life we are in motion, headed in our own direction without looking around us. There are moments in life that we should still our souls and wait patiently to listen to God. We will not hook God but if we listen intently we will hear God’s message in one way or another.
Today, sit upon the shoreline, wait and watch silently for God’s presence in your life. Take your time and truly pray and ask God to send you a little nibble. Take heart and know if you don’t hear him today there will always be hope for tomorrow.
I’ve found God in people, in nature, in ministry, in books, in seminars, webinars, in music, in scripture, in retreats and now I’m being challenged in finding him in physical pain…and not doing well, at all, in this area. I’m beginning to think it has to do with waiting, patience, and leaning on others…I’m just hoping to learn whatever lesson…opportunity…God has for me soon!