If you are a busy person you understand this statement but you never succumb to it. Instead you rise above it and keep on going. Here is a slight example of too much: up at 4:50 – worked out from 5:15-5:45, showered, made breakfast, woke kids, left for work, worked 7:30 – 3:45, picked up one of my kids from a different high school, home by 4:45, changed clothes, took 2 of my children to track practice at 5:30, back home, went bike riding with other 2 children for 30 minutes, back to pick up 2 children from track practice, my oldest son took my youngest son up to soccer practice at 6:30, while I was at track practice, home for a moment went up to school for a meeting from 7-7:30, picked up youngest from soccer, home, we all ate left overs around 8, wrote my blog, made sure everyone showered, finally settled kids down for bed around 9:30.
It’s just too much and that is not the most difficult scheduling of the week, other days we go to another state for piano, squeeze in my Master’s class once a week for 3 hours, not to mention the weekends filled with sports games, studying and visiting with family. IT’S JUST TOO MUCH!!! But you know what it’s my life with young kids, working, going to school and having a busy but great life together.
Can you relate to this schedule? Would love to hear your insane schedules. How do I do it all? By the grace of God alone!
It’s easy to see why each day goes by so quickly, but really enjoy every minute of it all for each child!
Before you know it your eldest will be graduating college and your “baby” will be graduating high school and you’ll find your self praying:
“Dear God, Now what do I do?”, and
“P.S. God, Clear direction would be greatly appreciated!”