Mountain Biking, August 8, 2013 Daily Reflection August 8, 2013 Keep your eyes focused on the path... [Continue Reading...]
Crossing the Bridge, October 17, 2014 Daily Reflection October 17, 2014 Where are you looking as you cross that bridge? [Continue Reading...]
What’s your focus? November 19 Daily Reflection November 19, 2009 Focus, goals, and motivation in life are somewhat difficult to concentrate one when as moms we are just trying to make it through the day the best we can. … [Continue Reading...]
Focus, February 19, 2016 Daily Reflection February 19, 2016 What helps you to focus? [Continue Reading...]
Blurred, August 4 Daily Reflection August 4, 2010 Often times we are too close to a situation to see the real picture... [Continue Reading...]