As I write this I am tired from grading projects, tests, homework and other papers for the last 5 hours straight! I am going to be completely honest here: TEACHING IS TIME CONSUMING, CHALLENGING AND TAXING! However, it is also a way to love others outside of your family unconditionally, to plant the seeds of hope in many young minds and a satisfying feeling that you might just guide a person in their life. It is difficult when grading and planning but fun when executing the plan and seeing the face of a person who finally “gets” that idea for the very first time. It is more than a job because you don’t leave your work at work. You take it home with you into your personal life, if you really love your students. Teaching is a calling. There is no doubt about it. I hope to never meet a teacher without passion, drive and love for their students.
I asked a teacher a few years ago, while I was discerning the call of being a teacher, the most important thing I should remember about teaching from her own experience. She thought for a moment and with a smile replied, “Just love them. That’s the most important thing to do. Just love them.” I turned from her thinking what kind of advice is that. Now that I have been teaching for more than a year I completely understand. As a teacher we just love them and everything else we do follows as acts of love for our students.
Yep, teaching it’s a calling!
…and what a joy it is to meet them again in the teaching field and as adults…I don’t disagree with “love them”…but the first things that came to mind were…I want to make a difference, to model the life of the Master…to be a lifelong learner myself…
Teachers make all other professions possible!