The Last Day of 2010, December 31 Daily Reflection

The Sky

It is the last day of the year 2010. It is a day to reflect on your year. Was it a good one or a bad one? Sure, we have good memories and bad memories of every year but what feeling do you get overall?

Every year for the past 21 years I have written a few pages in review of my entire year at the end of each year’s journal. I love this practice. I have to look over my journal the high points, low points and all the inbetweens and then I have to decide what will make my overall year in review. I usually write about my relationships with family and friends and how they have grown or changed. Since I have been a mom I write about my children’s newest developments. I write about big events that have occurred in my life; accomplishments and new dreams. I write about what I want the next year to look like. I usually jot down a few goals.

It is beneficial to take a look over the last year. Talk to your spouse or a close friend about the year 2010 and review it in your conversation today. It is healthy to reflect on the bad and the good, where you grew and the things you buried, before you move on to the new year. After you have reviewed the year close it. Know that what you have said and done have been said and done. Where you are now is where you are now. Accept where you are and what has happened.

After reviewing the past one must set their eyes to the sky for their future. The sky is your limit, your dreams should not be pinned down but should soar. No matter what your age or abilities dream. Dream big, dream deep, dream the dreams that only you dare to dream. Understand that the future, your future, is there for you to decide. You make choices daily. Today on this last day of 2010 choose to reflect and then to dream about 2011.

Let your spirit fly.


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