We All Want to be LOVED, August 19, 2013 Daily Reflection

Wedding Topper

Despite what people say at times, we all want someone to hold us, to care for us and to love us. If you are lucky enough to find that special person in your lifetime you should thank God. God is always with us in all that we do, say and think. However, sometimes we want someone we can see, listen to and do things with in this lifetime. As humans we want to feel the love of God through others.

Marriage is a sacrament sanctified by God. “ A sacrament is an outward sign (a visible, tangible action that we take to celebrate the invisible) instituted by Christ (Christ took normal things like water and gave them new meanings) to give grace (friendship with God through opportunities to strengthen our relationship with God).” – Kathleen Chesto.

Marriage is an outward sign of God’s grace (His gift to us given freely) to be loved for a lifetime by another person. If you are married thank God that you were graced by God’s love in that way. But remember that God can love you through your friends, family and others in this lifetime as well. We all want to be loved.

Today, share your love with others; hug a friend, tell a loved one you love them, spend some time with someone who is lonely. God’s love is seen best when we put it on display through our actions.

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