Camilla is a precious little baby that I am so pleased to babysit for a few short days. Look at her fat little cheeks and her fat little fists; she is healthy and adorable with her round face, priceless.
Isn’t it funny how you can call a baby fat, healthy and adorable? It is the only time in an American Woman’s life that it is ok to be called fat and is actually considered a positive comment. Our culture thinks of fat as unhealthy, unattractive and very negative. Our daughters grow up with images of skeletons with skin and think that is how they should look. Obesity is not healthy but some meat on your bones is healthy.
God made each one of us in His image. Some of us are skinny, some are tall, some are short and some are heavy. God loves us just the way we are today, whether we are 40 pounds over weight, below average in height or our hair is just too straight.
God loves you for who you are inside not for your human appearance. To God YOU are adorable, precious and priceless and God looks upon YOU with loving eyes just like we look upon those sweet fat little Camilla cheeks.