Mindfulreprieve.com PODCAST IS HERE, January 31, 2019 January 18, 2019 It's almost time to give your mind a break... [Continue Reading...]
Get Creative, June 15, 2013 Saturday Tidbit June 15, 2013 Tonight do something fun as a family... [Continue Reading...]
Background Noise, December 22, 2011 Daily Reflection December 22, 2011 The noise is sometimes overwhelming... [Continue Reading...]
Let your light, November 17, 2012 Saturday Tidbit November 17, 2012 Let it shine... [Continue Reading...]
Care for one another, November 24, 2013 Sunday Tidbit November 24, 2013 Care for one another... [Continue Reading...]
Proud July 7, Daily Reflection July 7, 2010 Have you ever been so proud of a friend you thought you just might cry? [Continue Reading...]
The Paradox of the Cross, April 30, 2015 Daily Reflection April 30, 2015 The Paradox of the cross [Continue Reading...]