I have written 3,396 blogs over the course of 9.5 years, without missing a day. Each of you have journeyed through my life with me. From the rejected book proposals to the years of teaching. From all the papers I wrote to graduating with my Master’s Degree and finding a new career as a retreat director. You have watched my children grow up, make their sacraments, graduate, get their first jobs, and first cars. You have witnessed illness in my family as well as deaths. You have heard my frustration, questions, and wonder. You have been privy to my life. I have felt supported and affirmed from your feedback and encouragement. So supported that I wrote a novel this summer and I hope to publish it. I have enjoyed the ride. It was a pleasure and an honor to have your kindness and support for so many years.
This is not goodbye forever. I plan to try a new venue. With my new position as a retreat director I am gone over night sometimes for 4 days straight with little to no access to the internet. This has caused challenges for my blog. I am exploring new options for my writing, meditations, and reflections. My brother, my webmaster, who I need to thank for his constant support and creation of this blog, and I are planning, to create a podcast and a new website. It would air once a week and be seasonal. Hopefully, it will launch in January of 2019. I will post links and updates here after the first of the year.
Please feel free to read my older blogs and enjoy the beautiful pictures of my family and friends. Thank you for your encouragement and support. You will always remain in my prayers. This blog was an amazing experience thanks for experiencing it with me.
Until I write again take care,
Lori Hadorn-Disselkamp
I have enjoyed following you all these years Lori. You are a wonderful person and you write beautifully. It’s like a window of your soul.
Thank you! Good Luck with your endless adventures!
Thanks for all these years Lori! You are great! Keep writing….you draw me in with your first sentence always!!!
I don’t think my other comment went through!
Dear Lori,
You have done such an incredible thing to have written so consistently about your faith journey. I know you will continue to be an inspiration to others with your words, your actions, and your strong belief in God. I trust, and know you do, too, that when one door closes another opens! May you continue to be blessed in your ministry and follow your heart.
Love and peace,