My Birthday, December 1, 2014 Daily Reflection

Me and my soul mate

Me and my soul mate

I am now 41 years old. Wow! I have been blessed by God to live 41 years on this earth with parents who created me to love me and to raise me with unconditional love. I have been blessed to have friends and family who have cared for me for years. I was beyond blessed to discover my soul mate and to marry him and then have 4 beautiful children with him. God has been on my journey every step of the way from my conception to today. God has blessed me and kept me close. I pray daily that I can do the will of God in all that I do so that I can honor him all the days of my life. Thank you God for my life and every blessing you have bestowed upon me. I look forward to many more years to do God’s work and love all the people in my life.

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