In a moment your entire existence can change…
In an instance one night over 40 years ago my mom’s dad passed away and she said the world was silent but nothing was the same…
In a moment, when I was 10 year’s old, and I was told my Dad had a heart attack, I lost my breath and prayed I wouldn’t lose my best friend. That moment changed my entire life and how appreciative I would always be for his life and our relationship…
In an hour I went from being engaged to becoming a wife in the sacrament of marriage and that golden band and vow to my spouse, in front of my family and friends changed my identity…
In nine months I cultivated a love for each of the four children I carried in my womb and the moment each was born and I saw his/her face I already knew him/her and my identity changed once more to the part I love best about me being a mom…
In a moment, years ago, my Dad was told he had cancer and even though the same clouds hung in the same blue sky everything looked different.
In the moment when they told me that my Dad’s cancer was gone it all changed again to joy and gratitude and nothing stayed the same…
In a moment a person can say or not say a word that will shape or change his perception of the world and alter it forever…
As a teen I wanted to be a writer so that I could alter other’s lives for a moment in time…
It only takes a moment…
What or who has shared a moment that has formed your identity or life story?