Focus, February 19, 2016 Daily Reflection

Grading Tests

Grading Tests

Sometimes we are so distracted in life that it is difficult to devote our attention to one given task and we lose our focus. As a teacher I am constantly attempting to hold my student’s attention. I need their attention so that they can focus on the target for the day. If they are not listening to me they will not know what is happening. I have organized my lesson plans into small segments. The first 10 minutes is a writing and thinking exercise in their journal. Then they lead us in a prayer, with a book, or some type of creative prayer. Next, we review what I will cover for that day. I give them notes, stories, and try to relate the ideas to their lives. Then, we have an activity usually a skit, partner work, video, or group collaboration. My agenda is set up in this fashion so that my students will be able to pay attention in my class.

There are thousands of things vying for our attention and focus every moment. I have several tasks to complete and sometimes I just lose my focus. Right now I will shift my attention and focus back to grading tests. What helps you to focus?

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