The Year 2014, January 1, 2014 Daily Reflection January 1, 2014 Forget the resolutions and start dreaming big... [Continue Reading...]
Perfection, August 21, 2013 Daily Reflection August 21, 2013 Perfection is unattainable... [Continue Reading...]
Keep Dreaming, July 20, 2018 Daily Reflection July 20, 2018 Dreams keep us moving towards the future... [Continue Reading...]
Identity, September 17 Daily Reflection September 17, 2010 Stop and write it down today... [Continue Reading...]
Riding in Place, November 16 Daily Reflection November 16, 2009 How many times as a mom do we all feel like we are in a rut and can't break free? What happened to our dreams and learning new … [Continue Reading...]
The Last Day of 2010, December 31 Daily Reflection December 31, 2010 On this last day of 2010 take a moment to review the last year. [Continue Reading...]